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Sidebar Counters

In the sidebar counters are numbers that represent the count of some data, specific to some state.

field image

It can be useful for example if you have a UserReport model with a alreadyChecked boolean column, you can add a counter to the sidebar to show how many reports the admins have to look at.

export const USER_REPORTS_CONFIG = createModelViewConfig(() => UserReport, {
counter: {
label: 'Reports to check',
dataFetcher: async () => {
const [{ count }] = await db
.where('already_checked', false)
.count('* as count')
return count
columns: {
alreadyChecked: { type: 'boolean', label: 'Already checked', creatable: false },
// ... other columns



Label shown on the navigation bar (when hovering the counter)


data fetcher function to fetch the counter value